Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Assign 1-3

Aesthetic Surgery

The article titled Outside-In: Body, Mind, and Self in the Advertisement of Aesthetic Surgery written by Deborah Caslav Covino discusses the increase in plastic and aesthetic surgeries. According to the article, between the years of 1997 and 1999 the number of aesthetic procedures increased 119%. This increase brought the total number of procedures to 4,606,954 with liposuction topping the list of the most popular.(Covino,D. 2001). It is believed that changing one’s body image will in turn change the mind. Because aesthetic surgeons are cutting into bodies that are functionally sound, the industry needed to improve its status within the medical community (Covino,D. 2001). The argument that improving a patient’s psyche by performing aesthetic surgery seemed to appease many. The outside-in benefit to aesthetic surgery claims it has always been known that improvements to the inner psyche and spiritual changes brings out an external radiance but it can also work in reverse. If restoring the lost years of a person who is struggling with negative social reactions, the inner light will glow once again (Covino. D, 2001). The industry has evolved this theory of the years and now believes the mind and body work together as one. Changing the outside will not change who you are inside, but it may give you greater confidence and sense of security. The increase in aesthetic surgery has prompted growth in surgery centers as well as advertisements. Many people believe they can enjoy the deep and long lasting changes that come from aesthetic surgery and this has resulted in the increase popularity of the term aesthetic rather than cosmetic surgery. Aesthetic encompass beauty in all aspects including mind, body and soul. Surgeons are now being considered artists and the work they do on bodies is being compared to famous artwork such as the Mona Lisa and Michelangelo’s David (Covino, D. 2001). Advertisements have also emphasized this point describing procedures as Liposculpture, Permanent Lip Enhancements, and Feathertouch Skin Resurfacing (Covino, D. 2001). This article claims that to most people beauty does matter and the steady incline of the people opting for aesthetic surgery supports this idea. If external beauty can improve a person’s internal psyche are the risks worth taking? So many people have decided the answer to that question is yes. Personally, I do not necessarily agree with this article. I believe that natural aging is part of life and every wrinkle or scar tells a story or shows how hard you’ve worked in life. I also believe aesthetic surgery is a personal choice. If an individual truly believes the only way to be happy is to enhance their appearance then that is a choice they must make for themselves.

Covino, D. (2001). Outside-In: Body, Mind, and Self in the Advertisement of Aesthetic Surgery.
Journal of Popular Culture. (35), p.91

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Assign 5-1


With the soaring gas prices and rough economy, many people are opting for “staycations” this year rather than expensive vacations. A staycation is a vacation that is spent at home relaxing or visiting local attractions. Many people take this opportunity to visit local parks or museums that they normally do not have time to go to. Backyard bbq’s and pool parties are also options for staycations. Along with financial reasons there are other benefits of staycations over vacations. Trips to the airport have become so unbearable in recent years; it has made vacations more stressful than relaxing. There are some rules you should follow if you choose a staycation to make it beneficial. Because staying at home increases the potential of lying around in front of the TV in your pajamas all day, it is recommended to make plans at the start of the staycation. If the plan for the week is to veg out and be a couch potato, that’s fine, but if there are attractions and sites that want to been seen it is best to plan them just like a regular vacation. Figure out what day is best to go and set a tentative time for each desired item. Another thing to remember while on staycation is it is a vacation. This means checking work emails or blackberry messages should be avoided as well as drop in visits to the office. Staycations are an innovated way for people to explore what their cities have to offer while enjoying the other benefits of a relaxing vacation without all the added stress.


Alban, D. (2008). Staycations: Alternative to pricey, stressful travel. Cable News Network. Retrieved July 29, 2008 from

Friday, July 25, 2008

Assign 4-1

Tattoos on Women

TattoosTattoos have always been a part of American mainstream culture with the last decade exploding with the craze. But in recent years tattoo removal has become an even bigger business than tattooing. Those who are seeking tattoo removal are mostly women. In fact, in a study performed of 196 patients seeking tattoo removal, 69% of them were women. When asked the reason for the removal there were several reasons but the most common was due to embarrassment. Women with tattoos seem to face more social stigmas than men. Society is readily to agree with men having tattoos because tattoos tend to be masculine. Women with tattoos feel society looks down on them. On a professional level women feel they receive negative response as a result of their tattoos.

I have a tattoo on my lower ankle and I can relate to the reasons these women have made the decision to have their tattoos removed. I got my tattoo when I turned 18. I was young and it was the “cool” thing to do. My tattoo has no significant meaning, it is not a symbol of anything, it’s just ink on my leg. Now that I am older and wiser, I wish I didn’t have it. Most of the time I forget I even have it but when I wear a skirt or dress to work everyone can see it. People will make comments about it, nothing rude or mean, but it makes me feel self conscience. Hind sight is 20/20 though so it will remain on my leg and serve as a reminder that at some points in our lives, we tend to make bad decisions!


Mozes, A. (2008) Women more likely to have second thoughts on tattoos. Retrieved July 25, 2008 from

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Assign 3-1

You can find a Starbucks Coffee shop on almost corner you pass. But all that is about to change as Starbucks announced they would be closing 600 company owned stores across the US. That is equivalent to 19 percent of the stores that had been opened in the past 2 years (J.Adamy & A.Prior, 2008). Starbucks was always considered one of the fastest growing retailers of the world but it appears they may have grown too quick for the demands of this failing economy. The company states the reasoning for the closures is due to lack of profits at these locations, no foreseeable future profits and because these stores were opened near existing Starbucks stores (J.Adamy & A.Prior, 2008). The closing of these stores will leave up to 12,000 employees out of work (J.Adamy & A.Prior, 2008). The company would not immediately release what stores would be closing but a list of all the stores was announced this week.

People have mixed emotions about the closing stores. Many are happy to see the corporate stores closing as it will provide more customers for the “mom and pop” retailers Many opinions are that is was only a matter of time that this happened, as many people, especially in today’s economy, are not willing to pay four dollars for a cup of coffee. Other people are very upset about the closing of the stores. So upset in fact that petitions have been started as a way to try to keep locations opened. Those in favor of keeping stores open feel Starbucks stores help bring other shops and retail stores to their community. Whether you are in favor of the closings or not, the thought of 12,000 people losing their jobs doesn’t sit well with anyone.

J.Adamy & A.Prior, (2008). Cities, Customers Launch 'Save Our Starbucks' Efforts. Wall Street Journal. retrieved July 19, 2008 from

Friday, July 11, 2008

Assign 2-1

Video games have entered a completely different world than when I was a child. I can remember the days of Atari when you could only play for a limited time before blisters formed on your thumb from the joystick. But trying to get the frog across the road without getting hit by a semi before time ran out seemed to keep us entertained.

Today, there are several game systems and games that keep children and adults entertained. Rock Band, is the hottest game and is available for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and most recently the Wii. This is an interactive game that allows the player to sing, play drums as well as the guitar and bass. It can be played alone or with up to four other players and it also allows you to play online with others. There are 58 songs to be learned, the player can gain fans and travel around the world.

This is a game that can be enjoyed be all age groups. Originally bought for my ten year old son, my friends and I get as much fun from it as he does. My work is even having a “Rock Band Contest” in August, with the winners receiving a $50 gas card.

Video games have come a long way and in this example, for the better. As a parent, like many others, I have fought with my son about the amount of time spent in front of the television. The fact is children love video games and this allows them to interact with the game and get a little exercise without their knowledge!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Assign 2-2 Icons

Assign 2-2 Icons

Audrey Hepburn is a true icon known not only for her elegant beauty but also her great acting ability. In 1990, People magazine named Audrey as one of the most beautiful 50 people and in 1995 she was chosen by Empire magazine as one of the 100 Sexiest Stars in film history. Audrey Hepburn was presented with the Best Picture Oscar at the Academy Awards four times, in 1955, 1960, 1966, and 1975. This is more than any other actress. Hepburn is most remembered for her role as Holly in Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Eliza in My Fair Lady. She had a beauty and talent that was remarkable and giving heart that was just as amazing. Audrey became a special ambassador to the United Nations so she would be able to help children in Latin America and Asia. Audrey Hepburn truly was a role model for younger models, actress and people in general who wanted to make a difference in the world. Her role in Breakfast at Tiffany’s was my personal favorite. She was a real down to earth person who didn’t let her fame go to her head. She grew up poor and always remembered her roots. In my opinion, this makes her an icon.

James Brown is another icon in American history. Brown had several nicknames that he earned in his career such as “The Godfather of Soul”, “Mr. Dynamite” and “Soul Brother Number One”. He had a rare talent as an R&B singer and songwriter and his music set the foundation for pop and rap musicians of today. Brown was a community leader who used his music to help encourage children. James Brown was a positive contributor to society and paved the way for other musicians, for this reason I believe he is an icon.

Yet another icon of today is Ronald McDonald.
The red haired clown first made his appearance 1963 as the mascot for the world wide chain of McDonald’s fast food restaurants. Ronald McDonald and his friends live in a fun fantasy world where French fries grow on bushes and hamburgers talk. Originally geared toward children, people now cannot think of McDonald’s without thinking of Ronald McDonald. I remember as I child meeting Ronald McDonald at a restaurant. There was a swarm of kids gathered around him waiting to shake his hand or hug him. Looking back at that experience I find it funny that a man dressed up in a clown costume could bring so much joy and excitement to children. I also think it’s kind of funny that I now work for the McDonald’s Corporation!


Friday, July 4, 2008

Assign 1-4

Celebrity Divorces

In the Hollywood world, divorce rates are increasing as fast as the price as gas. Celebrity
divorce stories are all over the news, magazine covers and the internet.
The costs of these
divorces are very hefty and very intimate details of their lives become public.
Just recently
Heather Mills and Paul McCartney divorced and the media followed every detail of the hearings.

According to Us Magazine, Heather made accusations in court that Paul physically, emotionally
and verbally abused her and of using drugs.
The public followed the media’s stories very
closely and developed opinions of both celebrities.
In the end Heather Mills was award a
settlement for almost 50 million dollars.
Also making headlines is Madonna and Guy Ritchie.
After seven years of marriage,
which is actually a really long time for celebrities, both have agreed the marriage is over.
This story is one that is sure to be followed as is reportedly no re-nup in place.
It is said that
Madonna has hired the same attorney that Paul McCartney used in his divorce.

Most recently hitting the news for celebrity breakups is A-Rod (Alex Rodriguez) from
the New York Yankees and his wife Cynthia have separated.
The split comes just months after
the birth of their second daughter.
Rumors link the separation as result of A-Rod spending time
with Madonna and Cynthia with Lenny Kravitz.
Both A-Rod and Cynthia deny the rumors but
of course you cannot google A-Rod’s name without Madonna’s name appearing next to it.
Celebrity divorces are happening more and more and society is engrossed with the details.
As a divorcée myself, I could not image going through such an ordeal publicly. I understand celebrities choose their lifestyles but at what point are they allowed privacy?

Popular Culture Assign 1-2

Popular culture is made up of 80% of the population. Popular culture is effected by 4 main factors; economics, education and exposure and emotion. The understanding of popular culture is necessary in a business environment. Popular culture determines the price and quantity of products.

I would consider a cell phone to be an example of a pop culture artifact. Today, cell phones are becoming a way of life for many. Cell phones come in a variety of styles and prices and can appeal to just about anyone. They have made business more efficient, with the ability to send emails right to the phone, and internet access. Younger generations also enjoy cell phones because of texting, the cameras that have been added to the phones and the different ring tones that can be downloaded.