Friday, July 11, 2008

Assign 2-1

Video games have entered a completely different world than when I was a child. I can remember the days of Atari when you could only play for a limited time before blisters formed on your thumb from the joystick. But trying to get the frog across the road without getting hit by a semi before time ran out seemed to keep us entertained.

Today, there are several game systems and games that keep children and adults entertained. Rock Band, is the hottest game and is available for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and most recently the Wii. This is an interactive game that allows the player to sing, play drums as well as the guitar and bass. It can be played alone or with up to four other players and it also allows you to play online with others. There are 58 songs to be learned, the player can gain fans and travel around the world.

This is a game that can be enjoyed be all age groups. Originally bought for my ten year old son, my friends and I get as much fun from it as he does. My work is even having a “Rock Band Contest” in August, with the winners receiving a $50 gas card.

Video games have come a long way and in this example, for the better. As a parent, like many others, I have fought with my son about the amount of time spent in front of the television. The fact is children love video games and this allows them to interact with the game and get a little exercise without their knowledge!

1 comment:

Andrew Brownfield said...

Haven't played Rock Band yet, but I can wail on some Guitar Hero. Ok, medium is about as far as I can go, but in my mind, I rock!

The YMCA in my hometown was holding a Guitar Hero and Dance Dance Revolution contest as a way to get kids into the facility. Just demonstrates the appeal of these types of games.