Friday, July 25, 2008

Assign 4-1

Tattoos on Women

TattoosTattoos have always been a part of American mainstream culture with the last decade exploding with the craze. But in recent years tattoo removal has become an even bigger business than tattooing. Those who are seeking tattoo removal are mostly women. In fact, in a study performed of 196 patients seeking tattoo removal, 69% of them were women. When asked the reason for the removal there were several reasons but the most common was due to embarrassment. Women with tattoos seem to face more social stigmas than men. Society is readily to agree with men having tattoos because tattoos tend to be masculine. Women with tattoos feel society looks down on them. On a professional level women feel they receive negative response as a result of their tattoos.

I have a tattoo on my lower ankle and I can relate to the reasons these women have made the decision to have their tattoos removed. I got my tattoo when I turned 18. I was young and it was the “cool” thing to do. My tattoo has no significant meaning, it is not a symbol of anything, it’s just ink on my leg. Now that I am older and wiser, I wish I didn’t have it. Most of the time I forget I even have it but when I wear a skirt or dress to work everyone can see it. People will make comments about it, nothing rude or mean, but it makes me feel self conscience. Hind sight is 20/20 though so it will remain on my leg and serve as a reminder that at some points in our lives, we tend to make bad decisions!


Mozes, A. (2008) Women more likely to have second thoughts on tattoos. Retrieved July 25, 2008 from


Anonymous said...

This makes me think twice. I've been waiting all these years to get one, but have not as yet....maybe I will rethink this. I didn't realize that so many people regretted it and wished to have them removed. Thanks for the info!!

Brandi said...

I have a large tattoo on my back, and while I don't regret it at all, in hind sight, I probably would have selected a pattern slightly different. But, at the time, the one I got meant something to me and just reminds me of that time in my life.

Dave said...

There are many things to think about before you get "inked". And most in their late teens and early twenties do not consider the effect of a tattoo on their career and social life. But the removal process can be a long and painful one if you need to reverse the decision.

Andrew Brownfield said...

I love tattoos. I don't have any, but I like looking at nice ones and hearing the story behind them. Miami Ink and LA Ink are two of my favorite shows. The History Channel recently had a show about them and I think I have watched it twice!